How to apply for a US Tourist Visa in the Philippines + Useful tips!

New York. Photo credit:

The American Dream- for most of us, America is the land of opportunity that's why according to one census I have read, a majority of overseas Filipinos are living in the US. I have a lot of relatives living in the US!

I love my country; my career, family, and husband are all here so I don't think I am moving anywhere anytime soon, but visiting the US has always been part of my bucket list; I want to see the Grand Canyon, explore New York, chill in California, see the stars in Los Angeles, swim in Hawaii, and so much more.

But to be able to do all of these things, I must have a US Visa. 

Filipinos are required to obtain a US Visa before visiting the USA and its territories, and luckily for me, I got approved so I'm sharing with you the step-by-step on how to process your US Visa requirements, what to do on the interview day, useful tips, and realizations in my 2- month long preparation for the US Visa interview.
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